Monday, 11 July 2011



Dreams 5

dance of dreams

Dreams 4

Forest dreams

Dreams 3

Sweet dreams are made of these


Dreams 2
1) When i looked at her i thought she was staring into space, looking at the stars and the moon. Probably camping out at night in front of an open fire, she looks like she's deep in thought with the wonder of the universe.

2)A simple eye, but looking away from the camera and the pupil is capturing reflecting lights. Intriguing.

3)I love the green in her eye and how the different reflections of light enhance it. the golden yellow brings a warmth to the picture which otherwise would have been in colder colours the white, grey, pale green, the dull skin tone.

4)This picture has made me realise that i could look at subjects in much  more detail.There is so much detail in the reflections and eye lashes.

Dreams 1

++--Dreaming in an Ocean
1)I think the story behind this, is that a girl was reading a book has fallen asleep and is dreaming about  a beach and is sleeping on the sand  using it as a pillow, as well as using the sea as a blanket to keep her warm.
2) ?
3)i love the way the artist has done the colours. the blue and the green in the sea is amazing they go together so well and has a warn feeling to it. The whole picture has a warm feeling to it because of how the artist has painted it. The skin tone, the shades and hair look so real the because of the colour, the girl is superb she looks so real, the skin tone is just right as well as her book, shirt and hair,

Friday, 8 July 2011


Dream 1
I was walking down this beach in the night time breeze, then the image suddenly changed to a dark small tunnel, it was very quiet and scary, then I suddenly changed to a mouse and was being chased by a cat down this small tunnel. By the time I reached the end of the tunnel, I realised it was a dead end; the cat had caught up with me. The cat picked me up by the tail and swallowed me whole. 

Dream 2
I was laying in bed and heard something moving outside my bedroom door, I got up to see what was there. When I opened my bedroom door there was nothing there, so I decided to go downstairs to see if there was someone there. I was walking down the stairs into the hallway, I checked the living room first and again nothing was there, so I closed that door and decided to go into the kitchen. I opened the door and there was this huge figure standing there next to my dog. He was holding a large knife which was dripping in blood I looked down to see my dog’s mangled body. I suddenly sat up in my bed, realising it was a horrible dream.

Dream 3
I always have this dream where I am leaning over this man who has been captured by evil doctors (me) who are testing him and torturing him, now his  face and body is full of scars, boils, and burn marks by me and my experiments. I wake up when he screams, i have had this dream so many times and I don’t know why. 

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Targets This Week

1.Write my dream sequence (can add a storyboard if i have it)

2. Find 5 photo images of dreams and embedd them.

3. Analyse 3 of the5 photos about
     1.Natrrative (the story board )
     2.Composition (the structure)
     4.Infuences on me

4.Repeat 2 and 3 whith a short film